
Mad Men madness

The new season of "Mad Men" starts tonight... Can't. wait.

"Lost" is gone. Other former favorites are fading (I'm looking at you: "Grey's Anatomy," "The Office," "How I Met Your Mother" and "30 Rock." Some faster than others: Ahem, "Glee."). Some I can't stand to watch anymore (That would be you "Desperate Housewives" and "Brothers & Sisters.").

But "Mad Men," my new favorite ... Kates and I have been looking forward to this week, well, pretty much since the moment the third season ended. It's a great thing when a TV show induces such pleasure.

You will be dearly missed, "Lost."

Here are some good "Mad Men" reads and links ...
aBack to Work for ‘Mad Men’
aThe women of Mad Men answer fan questions
aPaste Presents: The Mad Men Takeover

* * *
Speaking of "Lost" ...

Here's some good stuff I've collected since the show ended in the spring ...

a'Lost' map: Explaining the Island. Sort of.
a'Lost': The Essential Reading List
aExclusive First Look: How 'Lost' should have ended

* * * 
As for "The Office" ...

I've rooted for Ricky Gervais to replace Michael since early reports of Steve Carrell wanting to leave the show surfaced ...

Please, lord, don't let them replace Michael with Dwight. I'm so not a fan.

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