She stayed home today with a really bad cough. Remnants of our sickness the last couple weeks, or an effect of spending too much time over the weekend in the chilly outdoors. Hopefully it doesn’t last …
As I write this tonight, Kates and I are listening to her rack her pacifier against the bars of her crib. Actually this has been going on and off for almost two hours now, since we put her to bed. She’s been kicking and babbling and talking to who knows who … Kates just keeps rolling her eyes, but I can barely stop giggling as we listen to it. I’m thinking Phoebe’s probably got my insomniac genes …
This is a new part of Pheebs we haven’t seen … But then again, she is one amusing and entertaining baby. She’s so going to be a drama queen …
Kates and I are beginning to take pleasure in seeing her sleeping positions lately too. There have been several nights that we’ve found her with one hand gripping the other and her wrists resting on her eyes, like she’s trying to cover her face from the papparrazi or something. We’ve found her turned 90 degrees from the way we left her … And tonight we found her contorted in such a way that her legs and back were flat to her mattress, her shoulders and head were completely turned to one side, and her right arm was bent over her chest pointing in the air …
In her waking hours, she’s got this other new thing where she extends her arms from her sides and then stiffens them and gives a quick shout. Last week, we were teasing that she was like a spaceship blasting off. But the last couple days it’s looking and sounding more like she’s practicing karate…

She loves playing with tags on toys more than she enjoys playing with the actual toys ... See the picture.
And while we’re at the stage where everything she gets her hands on is destined for her mouth, there’s nothing she craves more than our TV remote control. She is content with any one of her toys, but, oh, when one of us lifts that remote in front of her, she immediately drops whatever toy she’s chewing, her eyes widen, the mouth opens and she lunges for the remote.
Here’s a video of her trying to put my camera in her mouth …
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