And it was totally worth it. Great game. Great memories. Great stories by the legends who were visiting the booth all night long ... My favorite: Whitey Ford telling the story of Don Larsen's perfect game and how he warmed up every inning during the last half of the game because the coach told him "Don tends to get tired after five or six innings."
The New York Times had a really sweet -- and interactive -- panoramic today of the game's opening ceremonies ...
Bob Ryan had an interesting perspective on the closing too.
And in case you missed it -- Derek Jeter's good-bye speech ...
* * *
This was the news we woke up to this morning ...
A helicopter crashed early Sunday morning, killing the pilot and a passenger.
But what makes this story shocking, if not miraculous is that the helicopter crashed through the roof of a house, barreled down the staircase and burst out the front door before skidding to a stop in the front yard across the street ... The family of five who were asleep in their bedrooms on either side of the staircase were unhurt. And the house, reported one story this morning, was about a centimeter's worth of nails from collapsing ...
Of all the photos I looked through today, this one from the Chicago Tribune was the most astonishing to me ... It looks like something out of a cartoon, the way you can make out the outline of the helicopter and the way it fell through the roof ...

* * *
I didn't watch any of the Emmys last night. Good thing, because everything I heard and read about them was that they were horrible ...
Reading about the political remarks was fun though ...
I especially liked Laura Linney's comment ...
... following her win for best lead actress in a miniseries or movie in HBO's "John Adams.'" In a clear dig at Palin who mocked Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's roots as a community organizer at the Republican National Convention earlier this month, the actress said her experience in working on the miniseries made her "so grateful and thankful for the community organizers that helped found our country."
Tina Fey, who played Palin on SNL last weekend, had some good words too ...
"I want to be done playing this lady Nov. 5. So, if anyone can help me be done playing this lady, that would be good for me."
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