
The guest room

Ok. We said there would be pictures of some of the things we've been working on ...

So tonight we're showing you our new and improved guest room ...

First, this is what it looked like when we moved in four years ago ...

A few months in, we painted the room a creamy yellow and then waffled for the next two years on the rest of the decor. On the bed was a checkered duvet cover of Kates's that had blues and yellows, and for a time we had blue curtains to match it ...

But it still wasn't right (Sorry, I couldn't come up with the pictures to prove it) ... So when we found a new set of curtains with reds and golds and yellows we tried those. And bought a new, beige duvet cover to pull it together. ... It all looked good in a picture we had seen, but it still didn't look right in our guest room ....

Finally last fall, when we started making preparations for the baby, we decided to turn Kates's former office space into the baby's room and move some of Kates's things into the guest room. Thus we were going to have to make some alterations and it gave us the perfect opportunity to finally get this whole guest room thing right ....

We repainted the walls -- again -- this time to Red Ochre (I drove through a snowstorm to finish the job) ... and we picked up some lamps from IKEA ...

And this is what we came up with ... Much better.

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