
A hair-raiser

... So Amanda went home tonight from Idol.

I'm totally OK with that. (See here). Plus, did anyone else get the feeling that she was totally relieved?

And with that I was glad to see Kristy Lee live another week -- I really think the girl's got some potential. She just needs to get smarter in her song choices ...

But what about Carly!? Carly! ... How. How. How! was she in the bottom three!?!

* * *

So I got a hair cut yesterday. My hairs cut. My ears lowered ...

With three weeks to Baby Due Date, I was getting a little shaggy. So of course I'm thinking, You know, I really should get a hair cut, shorten it up a little. You know, look nice for the inundation of photo shoots ...

Problem is I might have got it cut a little too short.

The moment I returned to work this morning I was getting surprised looks from my cohorts ...

"Wow, getting ready for that baby?!"

"Geez, you told us you had an ultrasound yesterday. We didn't know you were really just going to get your hair done!"

"What? Trying to be a good role model now?"

"Well, you don't want to look like a hippy for your baby."

I wanted to go back through the door and hurry home to find a wig -- or figure out a way to grow some hair fast.

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