Yesterday afternoon I seriously could not stop yawning ...
Got home from work. Kates and I dinner. I did the dishes -- partly. We watched "How I Met Your Mother" and "Big Bang Theory." She retreated to her office to work ...
And I was zonked out on the couch by 8:30. Gone. Done. Day over.
* * *
I'm on a little bit of a Mamas & Papas kick right now. Over the weekend Kates and I watched a fascinating documentary about the group ...
I've loved the music of The Mamas & The Papas since the days of riding around in the car with my dad and listening to the oldies station. "Dancing In the Street" and "Words of Love" were staples in my 45 playing days. Their sunny harmonies and sing-able tunes have always whisked me away ...
But oh, how little I really knew of the foursome. I was listening to some of their music Saturday afternoon, and on a whim I started poking around the Internet to learn more about the group. I hadn't realized that their time was so short, from '66 to '68 really. Which makes their accomplishments even greater ...
Then, a pure coincidence, I discovered PBS was showing a documentary about the group Saturday night. Kates and I started watching it and couldn't pull ourselves away. There were insightful interviews with the group members mixed with loads of archival photos, footage and television clips ...
I always knew Mama Cass had cannon for a voice, but man was she light on her feet too ... Michelle was a doll ... And Denny and John were just pure musical talents ...
And "Creeque Alley" ? The epic about the beginnings of The Mamas & The Papas? A great song, I've always enjoyed it. But after delving more into the group's history this weekend, I'm even more impressed with the song ... It continues to amaze me how the stories of so many musicians and groups coming out of California in the '60s are so intertwined ...
Ah, the history of rock 'n' roll.
A good clip ...
* * *
So Jacque Jones got traded ... At first glance, I sort of shook my head at the trade, considering how well Jones played the latter part of the season. ... Then I realized, But wait, getting rid of Jones could mean more playing time for my boy Matt Murton. Yes! Good trade!
And in even better and more surprising news, Ryan Braun wins the NL Rookie of the Year! ... Now, as a baseball fan, I think Troy Tulowitzki got jipped. Tulowitzki helped lead his team to the World Series as a solid all-around player. Braun pretty much just wowed baseball by slugging the ball and playing ok defense ... But as a Brewers fan, Hey, way to go Braunie! Don't go the way of Listach!
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I caught this cartoon yesterday ... It illustrates the bad news I was talking about Thursday night oh so well ...

You're in love with Matt Murton. Get over it, dude. The Scrubbies are still two big pitchers away from competing in the NL.
Man, I'm bitter about the Mets.
Hey are you watching this show, Reaper? Pretty funny. 30 Rock? Hilarious.
other MH
Also, I notice on your "word verification" yzyrrwk is not a word. Just saying.
Furthermore, "Listach" would be a good name for your first child - boy or girl.
Also, "Gantner" or "RobDeer".
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