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This Drew Peterson case has had us glued to the 6 o' clock news -- and eager to read our e-mailed news alerts -- for weeks now ...
In case you haven't heard: Our corner of the world was introduced last month to Peterson, the 56-year-old suburban Chicago police officer. After his 23-year-old wife -- his fourth wife -- disappeared. Sounds sketchy from the beginning right? But Peterson says his wife, Stacy, left him for another man and simply hasn't called ...
Then the family of the missing woman begins talking. They say Stacy wanted out of the marriage ...
Then, the death case of the third wife is reopened when revelations surface that her supposed fall in a bathtub was a little too suspicious. And last week, that woman's body is exhumed as part of the investigation ...
The case is getting more juicy each week. It's got everybody talking. And now Peterson's on the offensive with Matt Lauer ...
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A police friend and I were having a conversation the other day about another man who fell for one of those lottery scams. This guy even showed it to his buddies, the police officer told me. And all of them told him they thought it was fake, but he still brought it to me and said, 'Well I thought it still sounded good' ...
It continues to baffle me how people fall for these scams ...
If the letter or e-mail is fraught with spelling errors ...
If it's written in nothing but capital letters ...
If it's asking you to send money, passwords or any other personal information ...
If it makes any mention of another country ...
If it's from an e-mail address you can't pronounce ....
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About once a week now, myself or one of my cohorts manages to come up with a video that gets our corner of the office either laughing to hysteria, jumping out of our seats, reminiscing about our good ol' childhoods or just smiling ...
And that one video usually leads us to about four or five others ...
Last week my cohort Laura reminded us of this classic. The Polyphonic Spree's "Light and Day." We had a good laugh about the fact that it made her cry ...
That video led us to reminiscing about the Scrubs appearance ...
And that video led to a clip of the Muppets on Scrubs ...
And all of that led to this. Ah, fun with YouTube ...
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It also led to teary-eyed laughter.
Have fun.
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