
Movie nostalgia

… Earlier this week at work I was berated for admitting that “Ocean’s 11” is a movie I’d drop everything to watch if it came on TV …(c’mon! It’s a great movie! … the characters are great, the dialogue is snappy and that heist carried out by Danny Ocean and his gang is flat-out sweet and clever …)

Then while getting ready for church this morning Kates and I switched on TBS. “Serendipity” was on -- another movie I’d drop everything to watch. And we did … Kates and I caught the last 10 minutes of it, the parts where Jonathan reads the obit Dean wrote for him, and Sara gets on the plane and spots the $5 bill with Jonathan's phone number on it, Sara races to the Waldorf to stop the wedding, which Jonathan has already broken off. And finally Sara goes back to the ice rink where she left her jacket earlier that day. She finds Jonathan lying on the ice, tosses the matching glove onto his hands. The two reacquaint and live happily ever after … Don’t understand what I’m talking about? See the movie. It’ll make you smile and/or cry every time.

So the end credits begin to roll. Kates and I have finished our breakfasts and we figure we’ll get off the couch to continue getting ready for church …

But what comes on next? “I Am Sam” … Another movie I’d drop everything to watch!! We caught the first 10 minutes of it, but eventually we did have to face reality and get going …I did, however, catch the last five minutes of the movie when I arrived back home from church …

Now I’m watching “Erin Brockovich.” And coming up later today are “Air Force One” and “Deep Impact.”

Nothing like reliving the most memorable movies of my college years …

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