A friend of ours called Kates and I last night to let us know things might be called off if we actually got the huge amount of snow the weather forecasters were predicting. If we only got a dusting, she said, the regular Sunday schedule would still be on ...
I went to bed pretty late last night, seeing little snow falling but still hoping that perhaps things would be canceled. And when I got up this morning, there was barely any new snow on the ground ... So I got ready for church.
Still, the news stations were scrolling dozens of church closings. And ours wasn't being mentioned ...
So I ate breakfast with just minutes to spare before I would be heading out the door ...
Then the phone rings ...
It was Amy. No church activities today. The ice was so thick, the pastor couldn't even open the door ...
Praise the Lord!
... But don't expect me to be feeling so thankful tomorrow. We had 40s last week!! 40s!! We thought spring was on its way!! Enough snow and cold already!!
My point?
It's a good day for cozying up on the couch, doing some reading and watching the biggest basketball game of the season ...
Here's some good reads from the past week ...
Sports ...
a 2007 could be the end of an era
a Jacque Jones happy with another year with Cubs
a Ivy League or bush league? Cubs last team to place ads on outfield walls
a Early to rise? Cubs ready to go
a Cubs' Ramirez hustles to remove lazy label
a Santo wants Hall selection 'very badly'
a Daytona Offers Hollywood Ending ... I'm not a Nascar fan, but watching the finale to last weekend's Daytona was one for the ages ...
Entertainment ...
a So bad they're good: This year's Oscar field is rife with characters who reside in that shame-filled land of Those Who Should Know Better
a Defense of 'Studio 60' becomes a moot point ... Every Monday night we let our DVR record Studio 60, and every week I seem to put off watching it more and more. But the cast -- a lame excuse, I know -- is the only reason I keep watching. It should be really good, right? But it only seems to get more boring and aimless each week ... Just cancel it already.
a 'Long Way' to Grammys: Was the Dixie Chicks' big win fueled by politics? ... In all the excitement the day after the Grammys, a friend asked me if I thought the Dixie Chicks' Grammy success was actually because of their album or politics. I told her it was both: The Dixie Chicks sang their message and political views loud and strong on their "Taking the Long Way" album, and that resonated with people; it's what music is supposed to do. But it didn't hurt that the album also is really good musically, from top to bottom.
a Guide to the Academy Awards ... I rarely get excited about the Oscars, mostly because on most years I've haven't seen many of the films. This year, the only Oscar-nominated film I've seen is "Little Miss Sunshine." But have at it ...
a Specter of Hudson haunts Fox's 'Idol'
a Twenty-three reasons not to see "The Number 23"
a Britney is bald, but not the first celeb to be so bold
a Britney, Anna Nicole, our obsessions - What's the lesson here?

a What's next? Defining the new generation of young adults
a Chicago readies itself for visit by U.S. Olympic officials ... oh, to have the Olympic games in Chicago. Talk about a dream come true ...
a Palming off the Ash Wednesday dirty work
a Young Voters Find Voice on Facebook
a 450-year-old receipt proves Michelangelo stayed in St. Peter's
a Maryland to Unveil the Page That Began a New Chapter
a Web site points the way to latest attractions ... The Grand Canyon skywalk sounds so freaky -- and soooo cool!!
And from news of the weird ...
a Sword seized after man mistakes porn for rape
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