Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the last five years, I've been one of those who, as Nekesa Mumbi Moody described in an AP story yesterday, decried the show "as another vapid reality show attempting to create another vapid pop star ..." I couldn't stand the idea of the show.
Oh, the times, they are a changin' ...
Last year I purchased Kelly Clarkson's breakthrough album, loved it and then watched her win two Grammys for it. I got a copy of Carrie Underwood's album. On Monday I watched as Jennifer Hudson accepted her Golden Globe for Dreamgirls ...
And here I am succumbing to all the hype and falling in line with the rest of the Idol-heads.
After watching for the first time last night, I have to admit it was a little entertaining seeing how shameless and passionate some of the wannabe-contestants will be for a chance to make their dreams come true. Love 'em or mock' em, it's an amazing portrait of the culture and personalities that define America. Though, it's hardly my reason for watching the show ...
I guess I just want to be in on the making of another pop star. I'm suddenly intrigued by the chance to watch ordinary singers reach extraordinary heights. And, geez, with my love for music, I'm not sure why I didn't start watching the show years ago ...
Oh, yeah. I decried the show as another vapid reality show attempting to create another vapid pop star.
From last night's episode ...
Favorite meltdown: Though Jesse Holloway's falsetto on "My Heart Will Go On" and Jason Anderson's juggling performance and the guy who tried to sing "Dancing Queen" a la Nickelback were all good, my favorite was the very first -- Jessica Rhodes' awful rendition of Jewel's "You Were Meant For Me," (with Jewel sitting in the panel too!) was cutting edge ...
My Idol so far: How could you not like Madison's own Denise Jackson.
Idol reads ...
a Warhorses Make 'Idol' Fly
a 'American Idol' plots songwriting contest
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