Aside from the trio of hits -- "Wouldn't It Be Nice," "Sloop John B" and "God Only Knows" (three of my all-time favorite songs, I might add ...) -- I've never thought very highly of Pet Sounds. I've always thought of it as kind of overrated actually. And I never thought the tracks -- aside from the hits -- varied enough for the album to be considered the classic people say it is ...
...Somehow, after years of owning and listening to it, it's growing on me this week. Funny how that happens ...
I've been reading the liner notes, and "I Know There's An Answer" (aka "Hang On To Your Ego") has been playing in my head almost non-stop ... Turns out the instrumentals actually are pretty darn good and innovative. The lush Beach Boys harmonies are there, although not as obvious as previous releases. And the lyrics, which I hadn't paid much attention to in the past, are worth a listen too ...
... Still, I may never understand what's so special about "Caroline No." Brian Wilson has often mentioned it as one of his favorite creations. But it's so dark and, well, boring. I'm pretty sure it's my least favorite Beach Boys song of all time ...
* * *
So much for having a white Christmas ...
After getting 17 inches of snow dumped on us two weeks ago, and temperatures in the single digits last week, we've consistently hits temps in the 40s this week.
All the snow is gone, and the lawns are green as March...
I love it.
* * *
... My heart sank yesterday at the news of Peter Boyle's death ...
Who knew he was so close to John Lennon!?! Not me.
... I loved him simply for his portrayal of Frank Barone, and tonight TBS aired the episode in which Frank is awarded 'Man of the Year' by his lodge... I'm doubting it was a coincidence TBS aired that episode ...
... Then this morning comes the news that Lamar Hunt has died too ...
* * *
Kates and I booked our tickets tonight to see Frank Caliendo in Milwaukee next month ...
Woo hoo!!
... I was browsing his Web site today and watching the videos of some of his recent performances. I didn't have sound on the computer I was using, but I burst out laughing just seeing his facial expressions ...
* * *
Two days until my Bearcats take the field again in Florence, Ala., for the D-2 National Championship, baby! (ESPN 2, 11 a.m. central, baby!)
... Unfortunately I've got another commitment Saturday afternoon, which means I won't be able to watch the game until late Saturday night. And that means no one better call me, or text me, or email a word about the game until Sunday ...
But how cool was it to set my DVR tonight to record the game and see the words "NCAA Division II, Final: Grand Valley State vs. Northwest Missouri State" ...
Go Bearcats.
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