... Though the hippie look was immensely fun while it lasted, I took some loving joshing about it over the Thanksgiving break, and I knew it was time ...
That and I was getting sick of brushing the hair away from my eyes and the way it caused my ears to itch ...
* * *
An explosion at the Falk plant rocked Milwaukee today ...
It was all any of us could talk about as we arrived at the office this morning, and I was mesmerized -- go figure, me, a news junkie, being mesmerized by good use of the online medium -- of jsonline's coverage ... Through the use of their Newswatch blog, they were constantly updating the Falk story throughout the day with new information and different angles, not to mention encouraging readers and witnesses to contact the newsroom with their stories ... Despite the tragedy of the day, it was a fun way to stay abreast on the news as it unfolded, and I found it particularly striking that the first post of the day -- just hours before the explosion -- started with: "Welcome to Wednesday. It's Dec. 6, which isn't exactly a date that will live in infamy ..."
That's how a news outlet should feed its audience on the Internet ...
...And then you have The Daily Nightly, which continues to provide, in often fascinating fashion, behind-the-scenes insight on the national news of the day, including this post regarding today's Iraq Study Group report ...

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