Whatever the circumstances, it's Barry Bonds we're talking about. Like him or not, people will flock to see him ... and I too, couldn't keep from the chance of seeing him in Milwaukee, taking in the crowd reaction and, perhaps, being part of history ...
... it's funny. A couple years ago, Kates and I were in the seats when Bonds was sitting on 699. ...it would be a couple days after he left Milwaukee that he hit No. 700. But the crowd reaction to him then was lightyears from what was last night ...

As for the game, well, it wasn't much more exciting ... Brewers pitcher Dave Bush and Giants ace Jason Schmidt were on their A-games and both went deep into the night. But Bush plunked Moises Alou in the second and on the next at-bat Pedro Feliz homered. That was it. That was the game ... The Brewers did try to make a run in the bottom of the ninth, but Schmidt was too good, and held on for the shutout.
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