Good stuff. And yet another era finished ...
This morning some critics are berading last night's 'Will & Grace' finale for it's lack of wit, it's sometimes dragging plot and moments that didn't flow ...
I say: who cares. ... It was the series finale. Do whatever you want! Have fun with it!!
... Yeah, I'll admit the finale wasn't as fast paced and laugh-out-loud funny as past shows, and at the beginning, with a bald Will and an insanely huge Grace, I wondered where the heck this one was going ...
But in the end ... I liked it. A lot. It was satisfying... the storyline was somewhat innovative, I thought, compared to other recent series finales, in that it didn't wrap up the characters' lives with a nice little bow. Rather it unfolded in a series of snippets showing Will & Grace as their lives progressed in the future, they found healthy relationships, had kids and as destiny would have it, their kids got married. ... Cute.
Jack and Karen's duet, no matter how out of place it was in the show, was truly 'Unforgettable' ... and how could you not smile at the last scene of the gang sharing a toast at the bar as aging friends and then setting their glasses back on the bar looking as young as they appeared eight years ago when it all started -- with Queen's 'You're My Best Friend' playing in the background ...
... and how about that bang-bang ER finale!?!?!
Good stuff.
Good reads...
a ‘Will & Grace’ ends on a high note
a Comedy broke ground but cast treaded lightly
a A graceful exit for Debra Messing
a Say good night, Gracie
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