
Crazy TV

Yeah! for the Hippies! ... from beginning to end, no one deserved to win the Amazing Race more than they did ...

* * *

As for Lost ...

Michael is crazy. CRA-zy ... first Izzy. Now Michael ... CRA-zy.

And who the heck is Miss Clue!? What the heck are those tribal Others doing with Walt!?! ... and what's up with the boat!?!

Next week's finale should be stellar.

But the really good news of the day? No repeats next season ...

Entertainment Weekly has some good stuff about the cast and their theories. Also here's an interesting story about Evangeline Lilly dealing with her Lost fame ...

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... and Invasion? (see Dave's blog) ... Wouldn't it have been great if Sheriff Tom and Russell killed off Zura, saved the world and everyone lived happily ever after? I mean, how cool was the opening sequence with Tom and Russell pulling up on the crowd and taking over, and then Dave pulling up in his beater car, and the real Army arriving. The show's not coming back next season, so it would've been the perfect ending to a captivating little mini-series, right!? ...

Nope ...

Instead, after Tom and Russell killed off the alien army, we still had 40 minutes to go. Forty minutes that included Murial trying to help the pregnant women, Tom and Russell chasing after Zura, and Larkin, Dave, Lewis and the kids playing cat and mouse with those two crazies in the sheriff's house ... and then in the ultimate cliffhanger, Tom arrives, scuffles with the crazies and takes 'em down just as one of them fires his gun -- in Larkin's direction ...

Aaaaaaaaaand the last scene we see is Tom apparently dumping Larkin's pregnant body into 'the water,' obviously trying to save her, despite probably infecting her and the baby with the alien disease in the process, while Murial and Russell run up on the beach and see Tom's tortured look ...

That's it!?!?!?!?!

Great. See ya, Invasion. Been nice knowin' ya. Thanks for the memories. It was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the hippies were the bomb! Did you see them on the Morning Show today. High-larious.

We should catch a Brew-Crew game sometime.

See ya on the flipside.

The cool Matt