Up at 5 a.m. Friday. Left zero degree weather in Wisconsin. Lake Michigan is just as beautiful from the sky. Nearly landed at Reagan National at a 90-degree angle. 62 degrees, sunny and no snow. Rediscovered why the Metro is way cooler, and so different from the CTA. Stood inside Ford's Theatre and looked at the bed where Abraham Lincoln died. Had the best cheeseburger ever at Hard Rock Cafe. Saw the White House and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue. Stood at the base of the Washington Monument and got dizzy from looking straight up. Cold cafeteria supper. Went to union conference meetings. And fell asleep watching the Olympics.

Up at 7 a.m. Saturday. Cold shower. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausage and crisply burned bacon. Eight hours of union meetings. Reuniting with a great friend. Lots of walking. Awesome conversation. Breath-taking scenery. A once-in-a-lifetime view of the Capitol. A good bottle of beer. In bed at 12:30 a.m. eastern time.

Up at 7 a.m. Sunday. Another cold shower. More Scrambled eggs, toast, sausage and crisply burned bacon. Union meetings and role playing so intense I was terrified. Lost appetite for lunch. More terrifying role playing. More union meetings. A juicy steak for dinner. Relaxation and reading. Grey's Anatomy. Fell asleep watching the 11 o'clock news.

Up at 8 a.m. A leftover breakfast bar. Three final hours of union meetings. Reunited with a great friend for the afternoon. The Lincoln Memorial. The Vietnam Memorial. The Korean Memorial. The World War II Memorial. Arlington Cemetery. Cool, crisp air and a perfect evening sunset. Nearly strip-searched at the airport. Arrived back to near-zero degree weather.
A long weekend in Washington D.C. Unforgettable.

What didja go to D.C. for? Did you take those pictures?
How's life?
I was in D.C. for a newspaper union conference. And yes, I took the pictures you see -- so, all you people out there on the 'inkernet' -- please don't steal them without my permission.
Life is good.
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