It's online, but is it true? ... an interesting spin from USA Today on the Wikipedia concept. I caught onto the site several months ago and it has since become one of my favorite Web sites out there. Seriously, I can spend hours on it just typing in random people, terms or whatever, and learn a ton of things I didn't know before or hadn't thought about. In my opinion, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has definitely achieved his goal of putting all the world's knowledge in one place, but, yes, you do have to take it with a grain of salt ...
When murder hits the blogosphere ... A few more reasons to be mindful of the Internet's public domain ... but the more gripping isssue is where anyone gets crazy ideas like these two teens, I'll never understand.
Back Atop the Charts, Her Way ... Admittedly, I was (I still am) a fan of pre-breakdown Mariah. ... but I also was one of the people who scoffed at the idea she could return to her previous popularity after the epic breakdown and bomb that was 'Glitter.' I can't say I see what most people have in her new release this year, but this story may convince you to believe she really is one of the all-time greats ...
Review: 'King Kong' ...After my rant the other day about how blah Kong looked, this review actually makes it sound worthwhile to see ...
In a puzzling development, kakuro beckons ... great. As if my morning Sudoku wasn't addicting enough. Another puzzle for me to spend hours on. Although, I'm not a math man ... so maybe not.
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