
Thursday night TV

If you Tivo'd tonight's 'Lost' and 'Invasion' you might want to stop reading ...

... OK. For the last week ABC, in typical overblown fashion, had been advertising last night's episode of 'Lost' as 'every year there's one episode that everybody is talking about. This is the episode ... blah, blah, blah' ... tonight's episode, as usual, hardly stood up that claim ...


Shannon was shot. Shannon!! Shot!! ...and presumably killed. And oh! the look on Sayid's face when he looked up to see 'Mean Girl' from the back of the plane. Ooooooh boy! if people didn't like her before, they're REALLY not going to like her now!

So ok. The promos did deliver on one aspect. In the week leading up to the episode, we knew one survivor was going to be 'lost forever.' For all we knew it was going to be some obscure person, probably from the back of the plane. Yeah, like the writers could really kill off another prominent survivor, we thought. ... Nevermind Sawyer, he wasn't exactly 'lost,' so the former seemed to be the case when Cindy suddenly dissappeared. But then Shannon ...

Aside from the last five minutes, though, I wasn't impressed. It's too bad this was one of the few episodes that really made me feel for Shannon -- and want to slug her step-mother ... And was it just me or did anyone else see Jack whiz by as the doctor was preparing to tell Shannon and her step-mother the news that her father had died? ...

So let the countdown begin for next week -- the episode I've been waiting for all season!! -- the one where we find out about what happened to the back of the plane!! -- it'll be like the first episode all over again, from a different perspective!! Woo Hoo!!

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As for 'Invasion' ... nice!

The story surrounding Larkin trapped in her vehicle and the fight to find her at the beginning of the episode was pretty intense. Then she gets in a truck with a creepy 'fisherman' (who appeared at first to be a killer) and the episode started to go a little south -- aside from the parts that cut away just before Tom was about to speak into his radio ...

Alas, all was revealed in the end and we find out that Tom was working with Mr. Fisherman the whole time ...

Love it.

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