We'll start tonight with the news that capped off the evening news tonight: Author Stan Berenstain has died at 82. Some of my fondest childhood memories will always be of reading Berenstain (or as I called them 'Bernstein') Bear books with my parents ... and I hope some day I can share the same experience with my own children.
Here's more of the stories I found particularly interesting today ...
a 'Hey Jude'? Duude. ... this Washington Post story in a couple words is -- pretty awesome. It describes teens' and young adults' increasing appreciation for classic rock music -- something I can definitely relate to. I only wish I had such a club to join when I was in high school to, say, invite Pete Townshend or Brian Wilson for a visit.
Speaking of ... Here's feeding my fascination with the Beatles, and lately, with John Lennon's death ...
a Beatles book tells epic story of epic band
a Lennon's killer marks 25 years of infamy
a The Bicycle Diaries: Is it possible to live in America without a car? Uh, sort of.
More reasons for my increasing interest and appreciation for NBC's Nightly News cast ...
a NBC's lead in evening news wars increases
a NBC's Williams keeps dialogue going with viewers
a Meet the Prez: Bush Impersonators Milk the Laughs And Make Hay
a Anatomy of a resident ... and interesting perspective about what's not real about 'Grey's Anatomy' (... the best show on TV.)
a Pussycat Dolls: More than a novelty act? ... I'll agree with anything who says they're a copy cat of the Spice Girls. Watch their 'Stickwitu' video and the bad acting couldn't be more obvious -- they don't even appear to like each other... It's all this pop crap nonsense that makes the above mentioned story about young people discovering classic rock so much more refreshing.
... and finally news from baseball ... and two of the sport's biggest soap operas this offseason.
a Weak market leads to another Marlins fire sale
a Red Sox are full of holes
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