
Curing internet boredom

A collection of fun, creative and crazy Web sites I've found or picked up from friends. In other words, some good time-wasters ...


... CareerBuilder's Age-o-matic ... upload a picture, answer some questions and see what your job is doing to you ...
... And here's a very cool site dedicated to the '60s ...

01.23.07: Julian Beever
... A friend sent me a collection of photos and drawings from an artist by the name of Julian Beever. Just marvel at his stuff on his official site ...

01.20.07: Birthday calendar
... This is pretty sweet. Type in your birth date and the Web Site will come back with the hours and seconds you've been alive, even when you were probably conceived. After you've finished reading the information, click again, and see what the moon looked like the night you were born. Who says our time clocks aren't ticking...
08.29.06: Some notable reference and cultural sites I've stumbled across reccently ...
... Chicago Uncommon ... some great, inspiring photos of Chicago's neighborhoods ...
... Cityscape ... Chicago architecture brought to you by the Chicago Tribune ...
... Reason to Rock ... a Web-based book about music as an art form. Excellent stuff!!
... and while we're on the subject of music, here's Rolling Stone's '500 Greatest Albums of All-Time' ... here's the 500 Greatest Songs of All-Time.
07.21.06: Cleaning off my desktop of pages I've saved ...
... every dumb, goofy, crazy holiday you never knew existed is here.
... addictinggames.com ... that says it all right there.
... send your friends a Monk e-mail from CareerBuilder. ... I just sent my friend (who could be mistaken for a monkee) an e-mail with a monkee on an island, dressed in a pink shirt, wearing big sunglasses, holding the 'Hi Mom' sign and singing the song about wearing to much cologne in the office (which he does) ... HA-larious.
03.5.06: More additions ...
... test your reaction time: how fast can you shoot the sheep.
... you might not want to watch this one with the kids around.
... How smart are you ... (apparently I'm not. I scored a 4.)
... some kids' 'Golddigger' parody ... nice.
03.4.06: Sent to me by my aunt ...
Another fun one to keep you busy for at least several minutes. Cheney and quail is all you need to know. Then go here.

02.26.06: Some new links I've collected over the last couple months ...
This is a good site for those of you working on building your own time machines ...
Here's everything you ever wanted to know about squirrels ...
I haven't got around to making my own movie yet, but it looks like it could be A LOT of fun ...
Looking for those perfect gifts? Try this site or this site ...
This 'Sportscenter' site has a complete archive of ESPN's greatest commercials ... sweeeeeeeeet!
12.1.05: Now here's a game you can play for hours.

11.02.05: A perfect man and a perfect woman

10.29.05: Japanese Backstreet wannabes
These sites, sent to yours truly by T-money, created so much buzz this week they were featured on VH1's Best Week Ever this morning. To do it some justice, I give you T-money's e-mail to me ...
you must watch this, and have your speakers on!

(it's clean, except you may wet yourself laughing)
There's more of the Asian kids! There's a bunch of new links that have been passed around since the original one yesterday, apparently... check 'em out!
more of their stuff:
Part 2 - as long as you love me
and here are some others but they are no match for the Chinese
google video is a little addicting then there is this guy

From my Internet favorites ...

The Age Guage -- type in your birthdate and find out everything you ever wanted to know about the day you were born

The Bin Laden song -- came out soon after 9/11. An Internet classic in my mind. ... and it's brought to you by http://www.gotlaughs.com/

Bored.com -- discovered with my newspaper-mates during some of those crazy nights in the journalism building in college. The ultimate web site for bored people.

Flo & Betty with thongs -- It sounds worse than it is. Just a simple cartoon joke.

Bush Aerobics -- Now you get to push his buttons! Make George Bush exercise! -- Brought to you by MiniClip.com

Dolphin stress test -- it's self explanatory.

The original -- http://hampsterdance.com/

Insanityplanet.com -- a collection of everything crazy and wierd on the Internet.

Kewlbox.com -- tons of games! ... and in the same spirit -- candystand.com

Look and Feel -- just a plain cool graphic design Web site to surf around on. ... and have your sound turned on.

Mindless Crap -- pretty much. But it's interesting.

The moving clock -- Just like it says: Amazing ... and addicting.

Mullet.com -- Another classic ...

Soap box on forwards -- a guy literally stands on a soap box to share his disgust for junk email... brought to you by SmilePop

Cutestuf.com -- more hilarious parody videos and jokes

Snopes -- a sweet site that's out to dispel everything you ever learned on the Internet. ... and along the same lines, Truth or Fiction.

Talk Like A Pirate -- just in case you had an urge.

TerraServer-USA -- Type in the address for any location and get an aerial photo! Pretty sweet for looking up former homes and for others, old pictures of buildings that no longer exist or have been heavily altered.

What's wrong with this picture? -- have the sound turned up and then look -- closely. ... and then laugh at yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a couple Horns.


Fuzzy Math


Bomb Saddam!